Liza Davis is a Founder and President of Coaching and Training. A certified Executive and Life Coach and Professional Development Trainer, she has traveled the world encouraging people and businesses to unlock the best within themselves. Having worked with some of the world’s top multinational firms to include: IBM, Samsung, and Wells Fargo she has deep insight when it comes to professional and personal transformation, building successful relationships, and career development.
Having worked as Results Coach with both Tony Robbins and John Gray, two of the leading names in the coaching and transformation industry, Liza has gained valuable experience in helping people to realize their goals and dreams in their lives, careers, relationships, businesses. Liza also worked as Executive Coach for a NY based Global Talent Management Firm Fenestra and Career Coach with Five O’Clock Club Career Coaching firm. Before her coaching and training career, Liza was Vice President of Diversity Recruiting at Wells Fargo Bank.
Liza has really used the career coaching principles to create her own dream jobs and businesses time and time again. Read more to see how she it:

Liza’s global reach is perhaps what makes her very different from numerous other coaches. Fluent and/or conversant in 5 languages, she has spanned the globe working with executives, managers and professionals of fortune 500 companies
Liza’s is currently on the board of Association for Talent Development (ATD) as Membership Director. She also served as President and Area Manager at Toastmasters International public speaking organization and Training Manager at Toastmasters Leadership Institute. In addition, she is active with Society for Human Resources Management and National Speakers Association.
Liza holds a Master’s Degree in Foreign Languages from Moscow State University. She received her Certifications in Executive, Business, and Life Coaching from Mars Venus Coaching. She also completed Anthony Robbins Coaching Training Program where she was trained in peak performance professional and personal transformation tools. In addition, Liza holds a Career Coaching Certification from The Five O’Clock Club Coaching Firm and has completed an Advanced Training Facilitation Program with Langevin.
Liza is happily married to the man of her dreams and has four children, identical twin boys, their big brother, and a little princess. Do you want to find your true love too? Read more about the book she co-authored with John Gray “Love and Coaching” and her own story of creating love.
Finding True Love –The Book and Liza’s Story.
Liza is fluent in English, Spanish, and Russian, and conversant in French and Italian.
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